Aufbruch in die Wissensgesellschaft

International Library Summit

Departure into the knowledge society: Libraries in the 21st Century – How They Change Society and Architecture

On 4 October 2019, projects and guests from 20 nations got together in Venice. Innovative architectures and library concepts for the knowledge society in the 21st century were introduced. For the first time, the Innovation Building Award was presented.

The 1st International Library Summit brought together the ideas from architects and librarians for a 21st century library and put them up for discussion. Innovative architectural concepts for the opening of the library for the many were a key issue.

„In the 21st century, we are moving towards a knowledge society. In addition to the growing influence of data and artificial intelligence, human intelligence is becoming more important.“

Ines Miersch-Süß
Architect & President of MSAO FUTURE FOUNDATION