About Luisa Marquardt
Luisa Marquardt has been teaching Library and Information Science at “Roma Tre” University (Rome, Italy) since AY 2002-03 at the Dept. of Education and more recently, since AY 2016-17 at the Dept. of Humanities, too. Formerly Chartered Librarian of the County Council of Rome (1979-2000); librarians’ educator and trainer; library consultant; Director of “Biblioteca Statuario” (a community library in Rome, member of the National Library Network) since 2003.
Member of several library and reading associations (AIB, CNBA, Forum del Libro, IASL, IFLA, OPAM etc.)
Translator of and contributor to some IFLA publications.
Recipient of the “IASL Award for School Librarianship” (2008); Director Europe for the IASL (2009-2016).
Elected Member of the IFLA School Libraries (2017-2021).
Organizer of National and International meetings (among them, EMMILE – European Meeting on Media and Information Literacy Education (Milan 27-29 febbraio 2012).
Among her recent publications:
Acquiring 21st Century Readiness at the School Library Learning Commons, in: Umlauf, K./ Werner, K.U./ Kaufmann, A. Eds., Strategien für die Bibliothek als Ort […], Berlin-München: DeGruyter - Saur, 2016, p. 111–124
School Libraries and Librarianship Across Europe, in: Abdullahi, Ismail, ed. Global Library and Information Science, Berlin-München: DeGruyter - Saur, 2017, p. 473-503.
Donatella Lombello Soffiato, Mario Priore, Biblioteche scolastiche al tempo digitale, con testi di Anna Cristini, Antonella De Robbio, Luisa Marquardt, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2018 (Biblioteconomia e scienza dell'informazione, 17)
Apprendere la biblioteca in carcere, «Biblioteche Oggi», settembre 2018, p. 29-40, http://www.bibliotecheoggi.it/rivista/article/view/837
Biblioteche in carcere: la biblioteca come parte integrante del penitenziario e del processo di rieducazione, «Biblioteche Oggi», ottobre 2018, p. 46-51, http://www.bibliotecheoggi.it/rivista/article/view/864