Marco Muscogiuri is an architect and Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milan (Dep ABC), where he teaches at the School of Building Engineering and Architecture. With Alterstudio Partners Srl, of which he is a founding member and consultant, he carried out projects for public and private clients and participated in competitions, receiving awards, focusing in particular on designing public spaces and places of culture.
Among his main projects: the European Library of Information and Culture of Milan (with Bolles + Wilson); projects, consultancies, feasibility studies, guidelines and functional programs for dozens of libraries and cultural centers throughout Italy, including: MedaTeca di Meda (MB), finalist for the 2012 Gold Medal for Italian Architecture; the Libraries of Melzo (MI), of Pergine Valsugana and of Comano Terme (TN); the University library of Pavia; the project of the Game and Toy Museum of Rome; the redevelopment of the urban center of Castenaso (BO); several residential buildings (www.alterstudiopartners.com).
He is the author of many publications on the subjects of cultural building architectural design and on architectural drawing. All the publications are on: https://re.public.polimi.it, http://polimi.academia.edu/MarcoMuscogiuri and https://www.researchgate.net.